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WS is a complete UHF wireless microphone kit. The kit consists of either the WM-5225 handheld condenser microphone, WM-5265 handheld dynamic microphone, or various condenser microphones in the form of a headset or omnidirectional/unidirectional lavaliere styles, in conjunction with the WM-5325 body pack, and paired with the WT-5810 shelf mount tuner.
The WT-5810 is a PLL-synthesizer controlled double super-heterodyne diversity tuner designed to be used with a UHF wireless system. It employs a compandor noise reduction circuit to minimize the influence of ambient RF noise. The PLL-synthesizer system provides 16 different operating frequencies. High output power ensures stable radio signal transmission for many demanding applications. Available US frequency groups are H01 and M1 to be determined based on the location of use.