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Introducing a scalable new system for configuring versatile and highly effective PA applications. The SX-2000 Series features new matrixing capabilities, so a single system can have its components distributed in different locations, yet under centralized control. Ideal for large-scale installations ranging over multiple buildings as well as local systems, the versatile SX-2000 Series is particularly well-suited for airports and railway stations, factories, shopping malls and large offices. Versatility is ensured by such features as a dual power source and redundant backups for fail-safe operation, making it a cost-effective solution for virtually any installation, and without long lead times or the expense of a custom system. A fireman's microphone feature is also included, for enhanced effectiveness in an emergency. SX-2000 Series components enable creation of an ideal system for all sorts of application requirements.
Read this manual first before installing and operating.
The SX-2000CI is a control input of the matrix system and can be mounted in an EIA equipment rack (1 U size). Multiple units can be decentralized in a whole system. It is equipped with 32 control input channels. Control input line failure can be detected by connecting resistors to its line. The indicators on the front panel monitor the control input line status. The SX-2000CI has a function to supply a stabilized 24 V DC. The SX-2000CI has two power inputs and can support a dual-redundant power supply system. By using a stand-alone mode, system can be configured with only the SX-2000CI, SX-2000CO Control output unit and the power supply unit, permitting the contact data of multiple channels to be transmitted to the remote locations with simple wiring.