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The TOA EV-700 Digital Announcer provides numerous benefits for to your existing PA system in large facilities, ranging from retail stores and shopping malls to schools, factories and railway lines. The EV-700 permits easy manual distribution (or automatic activation by external device) of timed and repeated announcements, BGM and other audio programs with excellent sound quality. Creation and editing of various sound source files and programs, updating of settings and activation of announcements can be handled easily by direct input or managed remotely via a network. And prerecorded emergency messages are ready for broadcast the moment they are needed.
The software version is 1.04.07
The firmware version is 1.04.06 "Please TOA Technical Support for the update tool", requres Windows 7.
Superior sound quality
Flexible sound source customization
Dedicated software enabling remote setting and operation
Interactive operation with external devices
Prompt emergency broadcasting